PR Data Submission

Use this page to upload screenshots of your PR Research Results to help out with the data gathering effort.

Select a screenshot of your results:
You can also paste it from your clipboard with Ctrl+V, or drag-and-drop it from your file browser.
Select the research project series (also called season):
This is the project series, marked by a numeral on the top left of the project box. It might not match your chosen focus.
Select the project type:
Select the project name:
Selected project properties:
  • Color: 
  • Length: 
  • Cost: 
A screenshot is required.
Do not submit the result through this form. Join the ECTL Discord, submit the result in #pr-data, and bother traneptora that there is a missing project.
If you notice any bugs or there are any problems or concerns, please let me know on Discord at traneptora. You can also open an issue on the GitHub repository.